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Chronic Pain

Living with Chronic pain...

Many people put their PAIN down to something they have to live with..."it is, what it is" the thing is, it doesn't have to be for many. Chronic pain is a pain that has lasted beyond 6 months. A lot of our clients deal with Chronic Pain intially and over time many FEEL loads better. What is important is understanding the patients history and how their every day life is impacted. 

Through a thorough assessment we get to the root cause. We look at all the major joints of the body to see if they have a healthy range of movement that allows you to perform everyday tasks, if this is the case we then look at movement restrictions, understanding why certain muscles are tight, weak or otherwise dysfunctional.

All of the above factors can impact how someone with Chronic Pain moves, as their bodies will naturally compensate. Intially we allow the body to move better, allowing people with Chronic Pain to live more comfortably. Some patients however can be fully recovered to their former selves without PAIN. 

In your intial consulation I will be able to let you know what the likelihood is of resolving your pain based on how you PRESENT. Everyone is different, and how long they take for their symptoms to resolve varies. You are in safe hands here and can be assured every step will be taken to get you to your best.

Wait, Sam, what is Chronic Pain?

Pain lasting longer than 6 months or beyond the normal time of healing is considered Chronic Pain. There are many physical and psychological effects from this.

Physical effects include tense muscles, restricted movement, poor energy, changes in appetite and mood. On the Emotional side patients can present with anger, anxiety, depression and fear of re-injury. There are various types of pain that result in Chronic Pain. Of which we treat in clinic with great success.

Chronic pain as you can see has many factors to it beyond the pain itself. Our thorough approach deals with all of it, leaving no stone unturned, so we can get to the root cause of the pain and resolve the many symptoms you have experienced. Book in your taster session now, by clicking the blue button below and follow the next steps.

Man With Lower Back Pain

Discover in this guide how you can resolve your pain for good with these seven simple steps

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